TEA Project Bi-Weekly Report –February 15, 2022

Tea Project Blog
2 min readFeb 15, 2022


Progress Toward Epoch 9

Starting with Epoch 9, the TEA node operators will notice improved functionality in how their newly planted CML nodes update and sync up to the latest block. The new update algorithm logic puts newly planted CML on layer-2 to offline status while they sync up to the latest block on layer-1. This prevents the new node from having to run complex syncing algorithms while it’s still trying to catch up to the latest block. The new update mechanism will be live in epoch 9 where new nodes can sync up to the latest layer-1 block at 5x the rate of previous epochs. Streamlining the update logic is part of our overall goal of making both our layer-1 and layer-2 more efficient on the way to becoming a parachain.

First Stage of Coming.chat Collaboration = Success!

The first stage of our collaboration with Coming.chat has reached its conclusion. In total, we gave out contest TEA to over 3200 new addresses with 400+ of their members participating in our TApp promotion. In addition, over 100 of these users received Coming.chat mini points to use in their chat app.

The first stage of the partnership was a great success for both projects. Our Telegram channel members and Twitter followers each grew by over 1K. This was also the largest surge of new users we’ve ever had interacting with our TEA browser wallet. We look forward to the second stage of our partnership where Coming.chat users will have a TEA liteminer available to them within their app. A liteminer gives more users with less powerful mobile devices a chance to participate in our consensus mechanism, a democratizing movement that’s promoted by Polkadot itself. The ETA for this feature will be sometime after our mainnet launches.

Funding Round Progress

The TEA Project continues to actively engage funding partners for our Series A funding round. We’ve now conducted over 20 interviews for this funding round, and the feedback has helped us to clarify our value propositions (especially with regards to our CML NFT and our differences with competitors). The good news is that we’ve now begun followup interviews which allows us a chance to further explain our tech stack and how the TEA Project provides essential infrastructure for Web3.



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