TEA Project Bi-Weekly Report –October 18, 2021

Tea Project Blog
2 min readOct 19, 2021

Epoch 4 Mining Contest Completed

The TEA Project’s epoch 4 mining contest successfully completed October 15th. The epoch 4 contest was able to pay out to the maximum number of winners (20) this time, an improvement over the epoch 3 mining contest.

This increase owes to contestants learning new strategies to compete in the contest as well as improvements the team has made to the mining economy. The biggest changes were allowing contestants to create (and earn revenue from) TApps and paying out miners with a share of the TApp’s tokens.

Congratulations to all the winners on the leader board who received a share of the 2000 USDT rewards.

Looking Ahead to Epoch 5

Epoch 5 introduces a few new wrinkles to the mining economy:

  • Miners are now responsible for setting up their mining machines either on their home computers with a publicly accessible IP or through cloud providers like Digitalocean. A setup guide is available on our Github.
  • A and B Camellia can be planted into machines to start mining. The less powerful C seeds can only be staked into A and B CML mining machines.
  • The mining revenue split will be more favorable for miners: 50% for miners, and 50% for stakers which includes the miner’s index 0 staking slot. Therefore miners will earn 50% of the revenue plus 50% of whatever percentage of the overall staking slots they own.

Public testing for epoch 5 has already begun, and contestants can sign up now for the epoch 5 contest. We look forward to more contestants competing in this next evolution of our TEA mining economy.

