TEA Project Monthly Report — March 31, 2023

Tea Project Blog
2 min readMar 31, 2023


Epoch 13 Testing Begins

The TEA Project’s Epoch 13 has reached a mature enough state that we feel comfortable reaching out to the first batch of testers. The main technological upgrade of Epoch 13 is TEA’s precise billing system, which was enabled by our switchover to the Wasmer WebAssembly runtime. We feel it’s finally robust enough to release and will rely on our community of testers to help us track any bugs.

Epoch 13 represents a significant transition stage for the TEA Project as we move our node infrastructure over from a simulated environment to our actual production nodes. These will be the same nodes that will be running on mainnet. We’ll start Epoch 13 still running on DigitalOcean, and then begin alpha testing AWS Nitro nodes and prepare testing for our mainnet launch.

Developer Documentation Portal Released

We’re happy to announce that our developer documentation portal is up and running, and interested developers can access the portal at dev.teaproject.org. The developers portal introduces the prerequisites necessary for coding a TApp, including the required software packages that first need to be installed. Other topics covered include:

  • The TEA Billing system.
  • TEA’s boilerplate application, the TEA Party.
  • Explanation of actors and functions.
  • A glossary.
  • An in-depth tutorial for coding a TApp.

A major focus of the portal is the getting started tutorial. Here developers learn about loading the actors and getting the user login to work with Metamask. After perfecting a simple Hello World app, the tutorial moves on to a decentralized task app that involves writing to an SQL database and funds transfer. Developers finishing the tutorial should feel more comfortable with the TEA Project development framework and have the necessary prerequisite knowledge to build their apps.

